Today’s truth! It’s easy to somehow turn to “Google”to fix all of our problems. (There’s got to be an answer online for this) & we forget that it’s not always up to us to solve our problems and to find all the answers.
Jesus woke up early and stayed out late to go to the mountain top to pray, not to research possibilities, but to pray!
If Jesus needed to do this, how much more do we? This is our reminder — there IS power in prayer. God says to pray WITHOUT ceasing. Prayer is powerful because we are talking to — literally have direct access with — — our creator, the God of the Universe.
The very God who does have every answer we could seek. The God who loves us and holds our every tear in a bottle.
The God who invites us to come Him in our discouragement, in our fatigue, in our sadness. “Come to me, all who are weary and discouraged and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28)
Maybe God is waiting for you and I to give up, to finally be exhausted of our own resources and finally admit that we can’t do it, fix it, or figure it out on our own. So then He can show up and show us the mountains only he can move, the walls that only he can break down, the doors that only he can open, & the sea that only he can part.
Instead of spending ourselves to exhaustion, maybe we stop searching, and instead, start seeking.
“Be strong & courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9